2016, Jul

Guiding Questions:

How does interactive storytelling inform our ideas of intimacy, between person, body, and technology?


Screen is a performance piece exploring the bounds of intimacy between the body and screen. A woman is documented—filmed—inside her New York bedroom for a day. She performs as though he is not being watched: she will wake up, clean, dress, work. The film will be streamed to a screen in London where it will be altered and obscured through image manipulation. She performs as though she is not being watched: she will wake up, clean, dress, work. The film will be streamed to a screen in London where it will be altered and obscured through image manipulation.

As exemplified by the 3459 exhibition, screens and streaming networks create digital spaces that we pour ourselves into, augmenting not only our faculties but also identities. The visual manipulation of the performance reflects this augmentation. It also reflects that despite our increasingly sousveilled and surveilled world, these screens are still unable to capture The Real. Since what is a screen but another space you cannot enter?


Presented at 3459 exhibition at Flux Factory in 2016.


Writing, Filming, Editing, Software, Creative Technologist, Performer


Design thinking, Software, Storytelling


openFrameworks, OpenGL, Node

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