2013, Dec

Guiding Questions:

How does interactive storytelling inform our ideas of intimacy, between person, body, and technology?


Tangible Control::Body Video is a video playback system where the Viewer's movements distort the video. To understand what is unfolding in front of her, the Viewer-User-Player must 'fight' for control.

Tangible Control::Body Video has two iterations.
The first, displayed in the images above, a Kinect camera faces the VUP and uses distance between the screen and the person to control.
The second, a wearable device worn by the VUP controls the distortion.


One of my goals at ITP is to explore how current technologies can be used to design, tell, and distribute interactive narratives. I am also intrigued by how interactive storytelling informs our idea of intimacy, between person, body, and technology. Body Video scratches as this idea, requiring the VUP to move in order to let the narrative unfold.


Presented at the ITP 2013 Winter Show
Read the code on Github.

During the first round of usertesting, though the system was still underdeveloped, the users were intrigued by the pixel manipulation.

I did a second round of usertesting where I received the great feedback that the sound should be played continuously.

As I was working on the project I became intrigued by the idea of intimacy, the intimacy people have with the inanimate objects that program and run our lives, that communicate to others for us. The Body Video project definitely scratches at this idea, and I am excited to explore this concept along with interactive storytelling.


Writing, Filming, Editing, Software, Creative Technologist


Design thinking, Software, Physical prototyping, Storytelling


openFrameworks, OpenGL, Kinect, Arduino, C++

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